Web Services Framework for WildFly

com.sun.net.httpserver transport using JAXWS 2.2 HTTP SPI

By JBossWS Team | August 26, 2010

In the previous post I've written about Apache CXF and JBossWS-CXF implementation of JAXWS 2.2 HTTP SPI. From a container point of view, a bit of additional coding is required for making an existing http server compliant too.

Similarly to what Jitendra Kotamraju did for Grizzly, I've just created a small project for using the JDK6 httpserver with this HTTP SPI, basically allowing any JAXWS 2.2 stack implementation to be used on top of it (not just the JAXWS RI as mentioned here). The project only runtime dependency is the JAXWS 2.2 API, so it's completely vendor agnostic (the project testsuite uses Apache CXF just for the sake of testing with a JAXWS 2.2 impl).
So, the following is now possible using any JAXWS 2.2 compliant implementation:
import com.sun.net.httpserver.HttpServer;
import javax.xml.ws.spi.http.HttpContext;
import org.jboss.ws.httpserver_httpspi.``HttpServerContextFactory ; `


HttpServer server = HttpServer.create(new InetSocketAddress(8080), 0);
HttpContext context = HttpServerContextFactory.createHttpContext(server, "/ctx", "/echo");

Endpoint endpoint = Endpoint.create(new EndpointBean());
endpoint.publish(context); // Use httpserver context for publishing
//invoke endpoint
The binaries for the project are on JBoss' Maven repository.


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